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Dr. Anna Garber,

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

Hi, I’m Dr. Anna! I'm a naturopathic doctor, mother, researcher, optimist, adventure-seeker, animal-lover, and preventative health advocate. I love educating about health, underlying mechanisms, and helping others make connections in their bodies. What I love about naturopathic medicine is that we are taught to view the body as one large ecosystem. All of our systems are working alongside each other, and I strive to find connections between various symptoms that one may be experiencing. 


My motto for my life and clinical practice is ‘less is more’. I truly believe health (and life) doesn’t have to be complicated. Health is about the decisions we make every single day and being consistent. I feel extremely fulfilled when I empower others to take responsibility for their health, show up consistently, and witness firsthand the power of a holistic approach.


When I’m not seeing patients or researching, I enjoy spending time with my family, trying new recipes, being outdoors, exploring new places and activities, having deep conversations, listening to true crime podcasts, reading self-help books, enjoying the performing arts, traveling around the world, dabbling in photography, and watching 90 Day Fiancé.           

Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta Remote Appointment

I believe active listening, empathy, and compassion are the hallmarks of great healthcare.

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Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta

My Journey to
Naturopathic Medicine

My holistic health journey started in my teens. I was an overweight and inactive adolescent with poor lifestyle habits. Sadly, my health wasn’t a priority until one New Year’s Day when I decided it was time for a change and made a personal commitment. I changed my diet, developed a love for endorphins, began practicing mindfulness, and changed my negative self-image into a positive one. The beneficial effects these changes had on my mind and body sparked my interest in natural health, which led me to major in Nutritional Sciences for my undergraduate degree and conduct nutrition-related research for my master’s degree.


I discovered naturopathic medicine accidentally during my graduate studies. For as long as I could remember, I wanted to be a doctor. However, at that point in my life, I didn’t fully align with how western medicine was practiced. I found it was mostly reactive with little emphasis on prevention. One day, I searched “natural doctor” on the internet and discovered the naturopathic doctor profession. This led me down a rabbit-hole of research, which ended in me feeling extremely aligned with the profession and deciding to pursue it.


With over 10 years of post-secondary education, the journey to where I am today has been a long one, but I am so grateful to have found my calling. I am truly so passionate and fulfilled by the work that I do!

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My goal is not to overwhelm parents,
but to support and empower them.

Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta - Child
Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta - Children
Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta Toddlers

My Passion for Pediatric Care

My passion for working with children developed during my doctorate when I became an aunt and my entire world changed. I found so much reward in playing a role in my nephew’s growth and development, and I strive to do the same for other children. I love working with children and their families because shaping health and wellbeing early in life will help set a strong foundation for health in adulthood. 


Another reason I am passionate about working with children is the ability to positively affect poor generational health habits. Many of our health habits are generational, meaning they are passed down from our parents and grandparents. Changing these health habits is easiest earlier on in life, before they are solidified, and I strive to educate and empower parents around this. I found this extremely powerful in my own life where I was able to break some of my poor generational health habits.

Featured In:

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The Little Life Expanded
Raising Kids Naturally Podcast
Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta - Remote Work
Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta Book Online
Dr. Anna Garber Children's Naturopath Alberta Juniper Clinic

My Clinical Approach

I believe active listening, empathy, and compassion are the hallmarks of great healthcare and that conventional and naturopathic medicine can support and complement each other. For this reason, I approach pediatric care from an integrative and collaborative perspective. 


Each initial appointment starts with a detailed and thorough intake where I ask a lot of questions. This helps me understand potential underlying factors and causes that are playing a role in your child’s health concerns. Through this process, I value empowering parents through education by explaining the why and how of potential underlying mechanisms and treatment recommendations. 


I have been actively involved in research throughout my academics and recognize the importance of consulting research when making recommendations to my patients. My recommendations are always evidence-informed, aligned with your goals, and realistic for you to implement. 


My goal is not to overwhelm parents, but to support and empower them.

Interest in Public Speaking

I really enjoy giving educational talks to the general public or colleagues and am open to opportunities to speak. This can be in any form, such as a webinar, talk, or podcast. If you or your company are interested in having me speak on a certain topic, please reach out! I would be happy to discuss collaborating.    

Credentials and Education

  • Licensed and Regulated by the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA)

  • Member of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians (PedANP), Alberta Association of Naturopathic Doctors (AAND), and the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND)

  • Doctor of Naturopathy Degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario

  • Clinical Intern on the Pediatrics Focus Shift at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic in Toronto, Ontario 

  • Research Assistant at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario

  • Master of Science Degree with an area of study in Cardiovascular/Respiratory Sciences from the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta

  • Honours Bachelor of Science Degree with a double major in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario

Published Research

Solomonian L, Blesoff J, Garofalo L, et al. Naturopathic management of acute pediatric respiratory infections: a modified delphi study. J Integr Complement Med. 2023;29(3):181-195.


Aucoin M, Cardozo V, McLaren MD, et al. A systematic review on the effects of Echinacea supplementation on cytokine levels: Is there a role in COVID-19? Metabol Open. 2021;11:100115.


Cardozo V, Aucoin M, Elsayed M, Ebrahimi N, Garber A, Cooley K. The 5th annual ccnm research day: student research & innovation in naturopathic medicine. Undergraduate Research in Natural and Clinical Science and Technology Journal. 2021;5:A1-A12.


Garber A, Barnard L, Pickrell C. Review of whole plant extracts with activity against herpes simplex viruses in vitro and in vivo. J Evid Based Integr Med. 2021;26:2515690X20978394.


Aucoin M, Cooley K, Saunders PR, et al. The effect of Echinacea spp. on the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 and other respiratory tract infections in humans: A rapid review. Adv Integr Med. 2020;7(4):203-217.


Ng JY, Garber A, Luong M, Cooley K, Busse JW. No improvement in disclosure of natural health product use to primary care medical doctors in the last 15 years: A survey of naturopathic patients. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2020;39:101106.


Garber A, Aucoin M, Bhardwaj S. Food for thought: how sugar can affect your mental health. Naturopathic Doctors News and Review. March 6, 2018. 


Garber A, Csizmadi I, Friedenreich CM, et al. Association between glycemic load and cognitive function in community-dwelling older adults: Results from the Brain in Motion study. Clin Nutr. 2018;37(5):1690-1699.

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